“Why” I ask…

Today was one of those days-limited sleep, fussy child, needy husband and a million things on my to-do list.  You know, like earning a living and finishing my homework for the semester since pretty much everything is due in the next two weeks.  Not only that, but summer registration for the local community college started at midnight, and since hubby is going back to get his BSN and needs a couple of classes, I get to stay up to register him for them (thanks for being so technologically challenged dear that I have to do this for you every time).  ANYWAY, it was just a crappy day and there was only enough Bombay in the bottle for one nice gin and tonic.  So, while battling the archaic browser for the CC, I started messing around on Twitter.

Twitter is still new enough to me that I’m fascinated by it-I just skip all over the place like a kid in a candy store, checking out people, what they tweet about, what their bios read…the usual.  Tonight was no different.  Instead of working or doing what I need to be doing, I’m reading Twitter profiles and clicking on links to people’s blogs.  I have no idea how I ran across this blog, but it just about broke my heart.  Check out http://www.especiallyheather.com-this woman is amazing.  I won’t steal her thunder by telling her story when you could be reading it yourself, but between what has been doled out to her and her family, I just keep going WHY.  Why does one person face multiple challenges and heartaches while others just skate by?  For all of you that are church-goers out there, yes, I know the Bible/religious version; I grew up LDS (Mormon) and know all the reasoning handed to us in scripture.  But don’t you just sometimes ask why?  The more I read blogs, the more I’m on Caring Bridge, the more I thank my lucky stars.  But I still ask why.

So, tonight, I’m going to wrap it up quickly, kiss on my sweet J3, go snuggle up to J2 and say a prayer for all those out there facing challenges.   And I’ll probably ask God why.

‘Til next time,
